Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Persuasive writing

School sports should be mandatory
I am writing to the people that think school shouldn’t make kids play sports. I think that kids should have to play sports. Following are my 3 reasons that school should make kids play sports.

Kids that play team sports make lots of relationships and they get along with other people in the team and outside of the team eg supporters. They learn to win and lose graciously together because some kids when they win they like to go to the loser's face and say they won, also the loser already knows  that the other kids have won . I think that playing school sports will help children learn what sportsmanship is.

People that are fit are healthy and they have a lower risk of heart disease because their heart if pumping when they are running and playing sports. It also decreases the risk of developing type two diabetes. Likewise people that are fit are less likely to be sick but if they get sick they can fight the pain and sickness away a lot quicker.       

People that play sports will get stronger with all their running. Also, when they do their stretches it makes their muscles stronger. If they play sports or if  they want to play one they will train so they can become better at that sport. In fact, people that are fit have stronger concentration which would help at class time.     

For these reasons, kids that play sports in schools make more relationships and they are healthier and stronger. Without a doubt, this makes a better student at class time.

1 comment:

  1. Before I read this piece of writing I thought school sports should be optional but now I am rethinking that opinion.
    Good job keep up the great work.
